Listing Setup

Why Us?

Did you know: The quality of your Amazon listing plays an indisputably significant role in defining your brand’s Future. Our team of experts can set your account up for success by ensuring that your listing is well Set and optimized.

Amazon’s marketplace is an ever-changing beast, and whether you’ve just started selling or you’re a seasoned veteran, it pays to have someone who knows the ropes looking over your shoulder. There are hundreds of factors that go into having a successful Amazon business, but one of the most important is the setting of your Listing, which includes item attributes like Title, Image, and Description. Without a solid setup, even the most promising product can become lost in a sea of competitors’ listings.

How It Works

The process is hassle-free

Step 1: Getting Ready

You provide us with the raw images of your product . Please note that the raw images should be of high resolution and should be taken in good lighting. Raw images also include lifestyle images i.e images of your product being used in real life.

Step 2: Tell us what you want

After that, you’ll need to fill in this form and let us know what your expectations are and that’s it! We are good to go!

Step 3: The Magic Begins

Now you’ll wait for our team to do its magic . Don’t worry it won’t take long.

Step 4: Order Delivery

The order will be delivered to you within 4-7 working days (Depending upon the nature of the project) Now, You are all set to crush your competition.

What Our Clients are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions

You will have to fill in the form and upload your product photos and any/every related information like your brand logo , brand slogan, any written content that you might want to share.

We are available 24/7 with super quick responses on our email

Yes , i am offering brand image design service which includes designing brand logo as well

We suggest that you invest in product photography.

Providing your seller central details is not compulsory

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