Case Studies

Advertising Spire > Case Studies

Lowered ACOS from 76% to 40% within 27 days

Project goal:​ Market Place: US Category: Pet Supplies Average ACOS was 76.49% and Average TACOS was around 43%. Gross profit margins are around 31%. The client’s listing had significant loopholes but he didn’t want to invest in EBC and any other optimization because he was totally fed-up due to the

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Generated £208,197.98 for a seasonal product within 6 months

Marketplace: Germany Category: Sports We launched this product is February and earned pretty decent profits due to a boom in demand. This product is not viable anymore due to its decreased demand and increased competition. So, we are exiting the market and flipping this listing with an average ACOS of around 35.43%

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Reviving a dead product

Project description Product Basic Information Niche: Sports and outdoor Market: Germany Main Keyword SV at that time: 1.3Million (Top 10 KWs SV 2 Million+) Price at that time: €47 Profit margin: 60%+ Background The client came to us and asked us to increase her sales. They Launched the product in February 2021 with 5000 units.

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