Amazon is a great platform, ain’t the easiest business model, far from it. I share information that was tested & is being tested all the time in my shop.


Anyhow, guys, today I’d like to share some methods for getting Amazon reviews. There are five tested methods for getting reviews!


1) Have a goal of being the best in your niche.


This means having a top-notch product, with every known issue fixed (this can be done by viewing negative reviews for this product, on and off Amazon), while having the best materials, quality, and strong branding.


Helium 10 has an excellent tool for downloading all the reviews at once (Review downloader on the Chrome extension).


Please devote time to that; this can give you organic reviews (people will be so happy to go along with the awesome experience you are providing them and will be glad to review your product without you even making contact with them. Now imagine that you also contact them for a follow-up, but this one later).


This means great quality materials that the item is durable and does the work it should. The packing looks like it has been made by a serious company, with something more than just a logo stamped. Having a story attached to the product and brand is excellent.


The unpacking process should be fun as well.


2) Friends & Family


You’ve probably heard of this method, and you might be against breaking TOS, which is great! But if you are still willing to take the risk, you might consider the following tactic to stay pretty safe (I’ve never had a problem with this throughout my time selling on Amazon, more than 2 years now).


  1. The people you find for the reviews should be distant friends and family, preferably with no connection to social media.


  1.  Don’t send direct links to them; make them find the product by searching with the Amazon search bar while clicking on different listings, adding your product to your cart/Wishlist, and generally behaving like a normal customer making a normal purchase.


  1. Review/Sales ratio — this one gets many listings closed to review, and the reason is simple, many sales convert to reviews initially. You want to keep this ratio under 5%. So, if you launch with 30 daily sales, get 1–2 of them to convert to reviews.


3) Automated Emails


Yeah, the good old way still works. And why shouldn’t it?


What I do is send three emails. My goal is to establish a relationship with the customer, lower the number of negative reviews, and obviously get good reviews.


The Emails:


  1. Welcoming + Instructions, in this one, I welcome the customers to the family and to our special club, where they get the best support and further discounts. I also send the instructions for how to use the product; this will lower the number of negative reviews in the long run. You could also send some special details that are crucial.


Here’s a gold nugget title that got me pretty good open rates:


[customer-first-name], please read this before using your [product-name]!


Trying to avoid negative reviews, in this email, you will simply ask them about their experience with the product, what they liked/disliked, and their suggestions. So if you get a customer that has gotten a negative experience with your product to answer here, you could potentially avoid a negative review. Don’t forget to remove them from the sequence, and always try to make any conversation valuable for the customers and a 5* review for you.

Review request, not much to add here. Simply ask for help and be real and humane in your writing; reviews will come.

Product Inserts (Oh, I like this one!) Yep, the little cards that you put in your product package (If you aren’t doing that, please consider adding this with your next shipment). Why?

Well, do you want to grow your review amount while capturing emails and spreading brand awareness?


As for getting reviews, you could send your customers to your’ discounts club,’ basically a landing page where you capture the email and order ID of the client. You can then follow up in smart ways to get reviews (even without breaking TOS!).


Vova, but why would they even bother?! You will bribe them by offering a club that gives away freebies and highly discounted coupons (actually do that, don’t just say it).


Or you could simply ask for a review on the product insert in a clever and creative way. This works, but Amazon keeps that customer to themselves, + the review ratio will be much lower — why would they even bother leaving a review?


Facebook ADS + Manychat (bot). I found this method somewhere in early 2018, and I’ve been using it ever since. Now, the bot can be used for just about anything that can get automated. But you want reviews, eh?

Well, I know 2 ways.


– Retarget your Amazon customers and follow up for reviews (this is very expensive since the audience on Facebook will be small, and it’s more expensive to run ads for a smaller number of people).


– Create a look-a-like audience, offer discounts or freebies and follow up for reviews (Gotta be careful with Amazon’s TOS here).


I won’t go deeply into how the bot works since it’s totally another topic. The bottom line, bots are A KILLER way to get reviews. Educate yourself in this sphere, and you’ll see the 5* rolling in soon!


And that’s it! Please applaud (if you did like the info) and drop a comment down below; let me know if this information helped (even a bit).