Case Studies

Lowered ACOS from 76% to 40% within 27 days

Lowered ACOS from 76% to 40% within 27 days

Project goal:​ Market Place: US Category: Pet Supplies Average ACOS was 76.49% and Average TACOS was around 43%. Gross profit margins are around 31%. The client’s listing had significant loopholes but he didn’t want to invest in EBC and any other optimization because he was totally fed-up due to the.

Reviving a dead product

Reviving a dead product

Project description Product Basic Information Niche: Sports and outdoor Market: Germany Main Keyword SV at that time: 1.3Million (Top 10 KWs SV 2 Million+) Price at that time: €47 Profit margin: 60%+ Background The client came to us and asked us to increase her sales. They Launched the product in February 2021 with 5000 units..

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